Monday, October 19, 2009

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Apologies for the delay. I too often make the excuse, but there never seems to be enough time in the day to eek out a new post. Here we go:

Busy weekend after an arduous start. If you recall, last week's audiences were less than generous, but they made up for it on Friday night. What a house! Loud, boisterous, really into the show and on their feet. The thrill continued through the weekend, both shows Saturday and especially Sunday matinee. Who'd a thunk it? But they rocked! Really loved it! And I continue to be amazed and very appreciative of all the visitors at the stage door who simply want to say hello, maybe get a picture taken or an autograph and express their appreciation for the show. A real treat to be a part of it.

Also got a personal surprise when my oldest brother John called me from out of the blue at 11:30 Friday night to say he was flying in from Boston the next morn - at 8:45 am! He's spending 2 months at Harvard Business School in this high powered Executive Education program. Sounds fascinating, actually, living and working with business executives from all over the globe. But he wanted to see his daughter, my niece, Erica, a freshman at Manhattan College in Riverdale. A pair of smarties, these two. It was great to spend a little time with them in the city. They didn't get a chance to see the whole show, but they did get to witness the last few minutes, including "Spandex Man"! Hopefully they're not scarred for life. I know they're coming back in November to see the full event, so I'm looking forward to that.

The other BIG surprise was that Sunday, October 18, was the 8th Anniversary of the Broadway Production of MM! WOW, do these people know how to party! We went to Toloache, this great Mexican Bistro on 50th St. right down the street from the theater. The show came down early, as it does on Sunday night, about 9:30. By 9:40 we were at the bistro, by 9:45, drinking Margaritas! And damn good one's too! Wow! The food was excellent, but the booze - margaritas, sangrias, lord knows what else - flowed freely for the better part of three hours, or at least that's how long we almost stayed. And I cannot tell a lie - I'm not as young as I used to be! Every time my drink was 3/4 empty, they'd take it away and replace it with a new one, so I never really knew how much I was drinking. Well, I found out this morning! Man, did that hurt!

But what a blast we all had. It was great to finally have a chance to talk with some of the people I have been working with for the last 2 months. Strange thing, that. You spend months at work, singing and dancing on stage with some of these people (sometimes nearly have naked!), and yet you know nothing about them. Who knew, for example, that my new friend Annie was a wine connoisseur on the side? Fascinating. And David our musical supervisor? His partner Michael, one of the funniest and driest wits I've ever met! Hilarious! (Even funnier, I suppose, after kicking back a few Margs!) But it was so great to meet so many fun and new people - and what a release from the show! Many thanks go out to our General Manager Nina Lannan for putting on such a Ritz. It was a blast! And many congrats to all involved for creating such a wonderful show that has lasted for 8 years. Here's to another 8!

Monday's show was a tough but welcome recovery from the previous nights antics. We all felt a bit sluggish, but still gave a great performance. The audience was a bit on the quiet side, as Mondays tend to be, but appreciative none-the-less. Met a very sweet woman and her three girls after the show who were in New York all the way from Southern Illinois to see their first Broadway show. What a thrill to think it was ours.

I continue to be awed by the blessing in my life that is Mamma Mia!

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