I was a bit taken aback today to see the theater not nearly as full as it has been. Talk about spoiled! I've just been expecting a full house every time and suddenly there are empty seats. Gotta be careful of that, cause you start to think, "Well, less seats, less intense performance." Not true. In fact, just the opposite. It takes even more focus and energy for a show like this. Each house, each performance deserves the best that we can give. That's what I believe. And you never know who might be out there.
The fan base for this show is wide and varied, and it's wonderful to see. They come in all shapes and sizes, too. As I walked out the stage door, there were two of the youngest and cutest little girls, obvious fans of the show as their outstretched programs and MM! T-shirts denoted. One wanted her shirt signed, so I obliged. But the real fun came as I stood up, only to be accosted by four obvious middle aged men, tourists, seeing the show on a lark. They wanted to get their picture with me and wanted to congratulate us on a great show. How do I put this delicately? After years in the "biz" I have a petty good "gay-dar": it was not going off. It was not even registering! These were four straight men, obvious tourists, out for a good time, seeing our show. What a treat it was to meet them and know that they were entertained. Makes my job fun.
And then tonight's show. Wow, what a difference. Huge house, full of enthusiasm and energy, made it a delight to do the show. Especially since Sunday night, end of a long weekend (with one more to go), it's a tough show!
And a again the fans! I'm beginning to understand how this show touches people on such a unique level. Let's just say I'm not the quickest dresser (my wife says I take forever, and I was the last one out), but there, waiting patiently was a gentleman who had come all the way from Germany to to see this, his 40th show! Let me spell that out - fortieth show! Of Mamma Mia! He has seen it all over Europe, Canada, the North American tour, and now Broadway. Again. And he said he might come back tomorrow night, too.
It's wonderful to think we give so much joy to people that they feel compelled and welcomed enough to come back again and again. Thank you, fans. You are amazing!
Well, one more show tomorrow and we rest. Whew, I need it!
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